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Character French Male Noble Lord Deceased
Lord Montgomery
Lord Montgomery
Biographical Information
Title: Lord Montgomery

Lord of Lorges
Lord Gabriel Montgomery

Born: May 5, 1530
Age: 28
Height: 6'2
Gender: Male Male
Status: Deceased
Religion: Catholic
Originally From: France
Current Location: France
Affiliations: [Kingdom of France]]
Relationship Information
Character Information
First Appearance: Slaughter Of Innocence
Portrayed By: Andrew Church

Lord Montgomery was the young man who was supposedly jousting with King Henry during a tournament and mortally wounded him.

Early Life

Lord Montgomery was a French nobleman, and was a captain in King Henry's Scots Guards.

Season 1

Slaughter Of Innocence
Lord Gabriel Montgomery was called out to joust the King of France in a friendly competition. However before he could, he was knocked out and tied up by Prince Francis who took his place in the games.

Lord Montgomery later discovered that the person pretending to be himself had mortally wounded the King who later died from his wounds.

Season Two

King Francis admits to killing his father within earshot of Stéphane Narcisse. Narcisse later informs Francis, he already knew and had Lord Montgomery stashed away somewhere.

Narcisse reminded Francis, he still has Lord Montgomery and can have him, and Queen Mary hanged for high treason agents the crown, and murder of King Henry.

King Francis told his brother Sebastian that is was not Lord Montgomery who killed their father, but he, himself. He then tells Bash to find Lord Montgomery at all costs.

Lord Montgomery was founding in an old wooden house a days ride from Court. He had been staying there for weeks, possibly months after Lord Narcisse had, had him taken there to keep him as leverage. When King Francis and his brother broke in, then interrogated him on what he knew. He promised he knew nothing, but his new King knew he was lying. Not wanting to be hung for high-treason, the King gives the nod to his brother, Sebastian, to stab him in the heart. He obliged.

Historical Notes

  • The jousting accident actually happened during the Peace of Cateau Cambrésis celebrations of Elisabeth and Philip's Wedding on the 22 June 1559.
  • Henry absolved Montgomery of any blame, however, unable to accept the consequences, Montgomery left French Court and moved back to Normandy, France.
  • After the death of the King, Gabriel subsequently converting to Protestantism.