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Character French Female Noble Lady Season 2
Lady Atley
Lady Atley
Biographical Information
Title: Lady Atley
Age: 26
Height: 5'8
Gender: Female Female
Status: Alive
Religion: Roman Catholic
Relationship Information
Interests: Louis of Condé
Character Information
Only Appearance: Getaway
Portrayed By: Tori Anderson

Lady Atley is a noblewoman who was in attendace to King Antoine's party. The King paired her and his brother, Louis of Condé, whom she then made love to.


Season 2[]

Lady Atley was selected by King Antoine at one of his parties to be paired up with his brother who was visiting, Louis of Condé.

They left the party and found a quiet place just outside. Condé admitted he did find her very attractive, but wished she was someone else. Lady Atley decided to have him put a blindfold on, and admitted that she didn't mind if he thought about the other woman while they got physical.

