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Reign Wiki
Character French Female Noble Lady Married Mistress Season 2
Biographical Information
Title: Noble of unknown rank

Lady Josephine

Age: 25+
Height: 5'4
Gender: Female Female
Status: Alive
Religion: Roman Catholic
Originally From: France
Current Location: France
Relationship Information
Husband: Unnamed
Interests: Louis of Condé
Character Information
First Appearance: The Prince of the Blood
Last Appearance: Getaway
Portrayed By: Marni Van Dyk

"How do I go back to my husband now?"

Josephine is a married noblewoman who slept with Louis of Condé.


Season 2[]

The Prince of the Blood
After fornicating with Condé in his room, he was getting dressed while Josephine was still in his bed. There was a knock on the door and Condé went to answer it. Much to his and Josephine's surprise, it was the Queen of France asking for a favour.

After hearing about The Devil's Mark and how it appeared on Protestant extremists, Josephine decided to tell the Cardinal the name of the person she saw it on. She could only do it under the oath of confession, since she is married and she was sinning at the time of seeing it.


  • Originally titled as Aroused Woman.


Season Two
The Plague Drawn and Quartered Coronation The Lamb and the Slaughter Blood for Blood Three Queens The Prince of the Blood Terror of the Faithful Acts of War Mercy Getaway
Banished Sins of the Past The End of Mourning Forbidden Tasting Revenge Tempting Fate Reversal of Fortune Abandoned Fugitive The Siege Burn