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Reign Wiki
Character French Female Deceased Season 2
Jenny Postor
Biographical Information
Height: 5'6
Gender: Female Female
Status: Deceased
Religion: Roman Catholic
Originally From: France
Relationship Information
Interests: Richard Gifford
Character Information
Only Appearance: Three Queens
Portrayed By: Charlotte Hegele

Jenny was an impostor of Mary, Queen of Scots.


Jenny was a bit vain and selfish, but she seemed to mean well.


Early Life[]

Jenny was an actress who waned to do stage. But since woman weren't allowed, her new lover convinced her to take the show on the road. They had been traveling around France for weeks collecting money and stay at nice residencies for free ever since.

Season 2[]

Three Queens

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The Fake Queen Mary arrives.

The fake King Francis, and Queen Mary stepped out of their royal carriage to an adoring crowd. They walked inside the tavern, holding a fancy bang, to collect everyone's taxes. Citing that the taxes had been raised, due to their conflict with England. After they were all done, the two fake royals stood in front of everyone, and recounted tales of royal life. At one point, Jenny got stumped with a question, but the real Queen Mary helped her out. The two women gave each other and knowing smile, and later Jenny invited the two women back up to their chambers.

While in their temporary rooms, Jenny told the two women, how she and Roger had been going across the country pretending to be the famous royal couple. The tax money they collect, they got to keep themselves, as everyone else gave them free room and board. However the conversation was short-lived when Rogers interrupted them. A fight broke out between the two, and the two women left the room.

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Things have taken a horrible turn for Jenny

After Roger had finished beating Jenny, Richard Gifford, a french royal guard who, unbeknownst to Mary and Catherine, was Jenny's lover and a traitor to the French crown, hired by Queen Elizabeth to betray Mary, came in and murdered Rogers and his fake guards, and told Jenny of his plan to kill Mary and Catherine, and took Jenny with him.

All three Queens, both real and fake were riding in the same carriage. Jenny was very upset and on the verge of tears the whole ride. After some pressing from Mary and Catherine, Jenny confessed to Gifford's plot. The two real Queens convinced Jenny to fight back against Richard using a dagger hidden in Mary's dress. However when she attempted to stab him, Richard quickly gained the upper hand over Jenny, and immediately killed her. Mary then killed him by using a pin that Catherine had on her, stabbing his horse which caused it to trample him.

After the fight was over, and Queen Mary and Queen Catherine were safe, Catherine expressed remorse for Jenny's death, and took her crown off the dead Jenny's head.

