Reign Wiki
Reign Wiki
Character Flag - Germany Noble Male Lord
Charles Schuler
Charles Schuler
Biographical Information
Title: Duke Schuler

Lord Charles Schuler

Age: 45
Height: 5'10
Gender: Male Male
Status: Alive
Religion: Protestant
Originally From: Germany
Affiliations: German Court
Relationship Information
Character Information
First Appearance: Coronation
Portrayed By: David Jansen

"Is the word of a German Duke not good enough?!"
Charles Schuler

Charles Schuler an older gentleman from Germany who has access to a large supply of Grain, and currently in business with France.


Duke Schuler is a very noble man, risking his own life to travel to France in an attempt to free his long time friends from prison.

Early Life

Charles Schuler is a practising Protestant who's friends were put in prisoned in French court for worshiping God in a different way.

Season 2


  • Charles Schuler is the first citizen from Germany to appear on Reign.
  • in the 1500's, Germany was referred to as 'The Holy Roman Empire' and had been since, 800 B.C. Germany as we know it today, did not exist until 1806.

