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Catherine's Room
Catherine's Room 1
Location: Kingdom of France
Primary Users: Queen Catherine
Episode: A Chill in the Air
Description: Where Catherine's bed chambers are located.

Catherine's Room is where Queen Catherine spends her private time. It is richly decorated and furnished with everything the queen may need. They belong to her alone, as King Henry has his own rooms.

In Reign[]

Season 1[]

Snakes in the Garden
Queen Catherine was getting into bed, when she pulled back the covers she saw a giant X on them.

A Chill in the Air
Catherine was getting ready for bed while talking to Olivia D'Amencourt.

Catherine was getting ready to kill herself, making sure her makeup was perfect and her hair was in place.

Royal Blood
Clarissa was sneaking around Catherine's room.

Related Pages[]

Pages related to Royal Rooms are the following:

The King and Queen's Chambers 
The BallroomThe Throne Room
Henry's RoomCatherine's Room
Francis' RoomMary's RoomSebastian's Room